How Do I Know Who's The One?!

I've always been the one to not really care if I had a boyfriend or not. I've actually only been in 4 relationships, 2 of which were in middle school so they don't really count. They weren't all that serious, so I'm not gonna acknowledge them in this post. In both of my serious relationships I've had (well actually I'm currently in the second one now ^.^ ), I've fallen DEEP for the boy. Let me reiterate on that real quick.. When I say deep, I'm not talking about the commonly claimed "head over heels" type deep. It's a bit more than that, I can't even explain it fully. It's as if I'm stuck inside some kind maze with him and can't find my way out because I don't even remember how I got that far into it.. But I don't mind one bit because I'm happy with simply being with him :s My mind forces me to believe that I wouldn't be able to survive without him. And I go right along with it without any second thought because I'm blinded from it all.

When I was in my first serious relationship, I thought the feeling was me "finding the one". At first, I had doubts because it's very rare to find your one and only on your first try AND at the age of 14 x_x  Lol, anyone else would have easily known that it wasn't gonna happen, but not me. I was young (I still am) and in love. I didn't care what anyone said and/or thought. That relationship lasted 9 confusing months. I cheated on him, multiple times.. And that's when I started to realize that I was young and that I haven't had enough experience with other boys to determine that he was the one. In the beginning, I had fallen very deeply for him but as time passed I realized that I was only in love with the idea of him being that special one.

Nick and I.Now with my current boyfriend, Nick, it's a little different. We've been dating for a great 4 months and I plan on it lasting much longer. I have no doubt in my mind that I'm in love with him :love:  But now, I'm older & more aware of the difference between love and infatuation. I don't make the same mistakes as I did in my other relationship, because I've learned from them. And just because my first serious boyfriend wasn't "the one", doesn't mean I give up all hope for Nick. I believe we'll be together for a long time, and if we're meant to be then it'll last until we're walking down that aisle. My mom always tells me that "I'll meet plenty more guys in college" but I'm just gonna let whatever happens happen. If he is truly meant for me, everything will work out just fine. Not stressin' at all.

Yes, I'm only 16, and most people think this is too young of an age to be truly in love. But love is ageless. And no, I'm not "searching" for love. I'm in no rush to get married or anything, I'm just going with the flow. This is just a little touch on my past and how I learned what love truly is, for myself.  :happy:

What are your thoughts and/or beliefs about love?



  1. So cute! I've never even been in a relationship... I can be one of those girls that wants a boyfriend, but I just like the idea of one, you know? I've never met anyone I'd want to be in a relationship with, I'd feel like I'd be wasting my time. But I'm going to college so maybe I'll meet someone there. If not, it's okay, I'm not there to fall in love lol

  2. This was a very cute post. I can feel that “love” you have for Nick when I read this. Mistakes happen, and I'm glad you learned that early with your first serious relationship.

    Love is a very touchy topic to a lot of people. I know I had my share of people talking down to me because I had three serious relationships before my current. I was fourteen when I had my first serious relationship, and when I told my friends I was in love, they gave me a look of “she's going crazy.” Age is nothing but a number. People can fall in love as young as six, and as old as eighty. No one can dictate who you can or can't love. Love is love. Your heart beats for who it wants, not what others want.

  3. I always look at past relationship as learning experiences, where i learn what to do and what not to do. I think most girl have the idea in their head that they want to find a high school sweetheart that they one day marry. Nowadays it doesn't happen as much but in same case it does. I don't think age has anything to do with love, cause are first couple of relationships we most likely don't know what love mean. And at the same time some people can be in love multiple time in their life and believe they were all the one. Your mom is right in college you'll meet a lot of guys but who knows, your love for nick probably be so strong by then that you'll barely notice those guys.

    I think love is an awesome thing about life but that only if your in love with the right person. Love with the wrong person gives you headache, stress, frustration, and so much more.

    Good luck with your relationship with nick, i think you guys look real cute! :>

  4. I, too, believe that love is ageless. My first real relationship began when I was 14 years old & lasted until I was 17. We'd grown together in some aspects. I don't think anyone is too young for love. Going with the flow is almost always the best option.

  5. P.S., I just wanted to let you know I'm following you on twitter – I'm @jenums :)

  6. Followed you back :)

  7. This is very well written I must say.

    I have a different view on general relationships and I will explain to you how this touched me. Being that you are 16, I felt like I was reading an email from my little sister. I think all love is just LOVE. Boundless. Fearless. Different levels of it and maybe not mature love, but love and I think that's all that really matters. It's the essence (spirit) of who we are as human being and the highest frequency of the universe. It's the ultimate expression. It's how I define God. so to say something so great and powerful can only belong to the 18+ crowd is a little discriminating and close-minded. How do you know he's the one? I can't answer that, but I believe that sometimes you just know...and it may take a little time to progress to that but just let things flow like you said. What is meant to be will be and it's no point of trying to map out what is going to happen in the future. If it doesn't work out, just take it as a lesson learned and another person who taught you how to be open to love and how to give it back. ;)

    Love the blog girllie...and just keep living. You'll be just fine.

    -Chymere H.

  8. Just letting you know, at your age - you've already been in far more relationships than I have! And I'm farrr older than you are haha. But honestly, whenever you first start a relationship or the first few years into a relationship, they all feel like "the one". And hey, who is to say that they aren't? No one else can predict something like that, not even the couple themselves. No one can know how your emotions will change, especially when you DO make the switch from high school to college. Your horizons broaden a little more each time you get older. =] I do hope that Nick is the one for you though, don't let other people tell you otherwise just because "you are young". I have plenty of friends who have been dating each other since high school and most of them are married now! So you never know! Best of luck to you!

  9. I've actually never had a serious relationship. There were some when I was like 12, but those were so stupid that I just do not count them as anything, lmao. I think the reason why I've never had a serious relationship is that right now I don't want commitment, I just want to be free and to have fun right now. Obviously when I'm older I will probably want a relationship. xP (I'm 16, too :]) I think that just depends on the person, some of my friends have been in serious relationships, whereas others just get bored and do not (like me) want a commitment.

    I'm so happy for you that you've found someone you really like! I am a hopeless romantic (if that's even the description for it), it makes me happy to see people in love. I'll be honest, if a 13 year old said to me they were in love, I would not take them seriously. However, I have witnessed a lot of 16 year olds say they are in love and genuinely believed it. I've never been in love before. There have been times where I've liked a guy so much I'd just say to myself - "I love him so muchhh" - but I know deep down that's not the case. ;P

  10. You don't need any validation girl. If you believe that you're in love. You are in love.

  11. Oooh, your layout is so pretty!! :)

    I've been through the same thing. My first serious relationship lasted 3 years, I cheated, which obviously means I wasn't ready for a marriage commitment, because he wanted to get married like, soon. Since then, I haven't been in any serious relationships, just casual ones. And honestly, I want to keep it that way, at least until I finish my 2 year associates degree in college and have my own place and all. I want to be mature to the fullest (and be established) before I start dating "seriously" again, ha.

    I think you're doing the right thing. If he is giving you the same love you're giving him and it's easy to be together, no stress or trust issues, then that's perfect. So, you never know, it could be meant to be, but only time will tell. ;)

    My take on love, is we all eventually have to figure out what it really is. I, for one, got love and infatuation confused as well. Now that I'm older, I know what the important things are to value in a relationships, and I'm glad I do and I'm glad I didn't get married to young before I realized it. :)

  12. [...] boyfriend (same one from this post) and I have been in a relationship for 11 months, soon to be a year on March 11th. Although we are [...]
