Scholarships & Skin problems

As senior year approaches (about two weeks left), the college application process has been on my mind more than usual. It's about to get real. My parents have been encouraging me to start looking for scholarships to apply for so we can save money when it comes to paying for college next Fall. So far, I've only been looking on, which is really helpful and resourceful, but there's so many! I know there's really no limit on scholarships but it just seems so overwhelming when you are actually in the process. I am glad to get a head start on this and to have an opportunity to receive money but it's also just another aspect of senior year that I can add to my "Things That Stress Me Out" list. Wish me luck, a lot of it.

Also, I recently started breaking out on my face for some reason so I decided to try some new products for facial cleansing and moisturizing. I spent a good 15/20 minutes in the Walmart reading labels and trying to choose which products would fit best for me. In the end, I decided in all Neutrogena products. I got a purifying pore scrub for my face, which will help unclog and detoxify my pores on a daily basis. I also got an oil-free combination skin facial moisturizer, because I tend to have both dry and oily areas of skin on my face. And lastly, I got makeup remover towelettes which will be better for me to use before washing my face instead of just removing the makeup with my facial cleanser. Hopefully, these products do not disappoint! I'll give reviews on them in a later post. What products do you guys use?

P.S. If anyone knows of any scholarship resources that I can use, please let me know!
And I recently started really using Google+ Add Kiara Fair :)


  1. The process is REALLY stressful but in the end it'll be worth it. Make sure to apply for the Gates Millenium, McDonalds, CocaCola, Walmart and also check out your local scholarships (those are wayy easier to get)!

    There's also a big book of scholarships that comes out every year that has a listing of all scholarships in the US. It's really just called Scholarships and I bought mine at Barnes & Noble.

    Good luck with everything and don't stress out too much!

    xx Dara |

  2. You're stressing that's why you're breaking out more. Try to keep calm because college should be exciting right about now. Not stressful. Next time plan ahead. You're going to need to adopt that habit for college. FAFSA and college apps should be done by now. So I hope things are going smoother now.

    You need to get an exfoliating face scrub. The white sponge that you can get in the beauty section. It helps a lot.

  3. Applying to college is stressful but when it's all done, you'll be so excited for your future! Just stay optimistic no matter what because life can be unexpected but don't forget to dream big! I didn't go to the school I wanted to go to but I got a scholarship to another school so it all worked out. Make sure to do your FAFSA and if you need help I'm sure your school has tons of resources to help you out. Good luck with senior year and don't forget to enjoy it! It was my favorite year of high school :)

    The towelettes are good and make sure you have something to exfoliate dead skin 2-3 times a week. I'm currently using proactiv but I don't have really bad acne, just persistent areas of blackheads. Best of luck!

  4. You may want to speak with your guidance counselor about any scholarships that he/she may know of if Fastweb gets too overwhelming. I know it did for me.

    When I have break outs, it's usually due to extreme stress. I stress a lot but I only break out when the stress becomes almost unbearable.

    Now, this may sound gross but my grandmother told me this and it works for me. I put ear wax on a pimple and usually within a day or two, it's gone. If you don't want to use your ear wax, lol, I heard toothpaste is also a good substitute. I'm not kidding. :serious face:

    I don't really apply anything to my face.. just soap and water and since I use Dove's sensitive skin products, I think that may also be a factor.

    Good luck this year!

  5. Good luck with your scholarships! When I was in school I visited fastweb a lot also. Take full advantage of whatever scholarships you want to apply for. It will be well worth it.

    I stay away from harsh products like neutrogena. They can be good products but they seemingly make things worse sometimes. It's almost like your skin becomes addicted to it, then if you miss a day or something your skin begins to act up again. I prefer using organic or natural products. I exfoliate my face at night with pure baking soda, working it into a paste and then lightly scrubbing. Then after I've done that, I use Dickinson's skin toner, which is a natural astringent. I just put some on a cotton ball and apply it to my face until it dries (I don't wash it off) Finally, I moisturize with pure shea butter, applying only a small amount. I do the same thing in the morning as well. I also take vitamin E pills to keep my skin purified. This is going to sound strange, but trust me, it works! About twice a week I apply milk of magnesia to my face, allowing it to dry into a mask (I usually do this at night before I go to sleep). I moisturize with shea butter after I've washed it off. It leaves my skin smooth and the shea butter just keeps it moisturized. I've also heard that you can use milk of magnesia as a primer under makeup.

  6. Milk of Magnesia really works!
