Ain't trippin'

That insecure girlfriend. The one always checking on all your social network sites. Always assuming and "asking' all them questions". The one who always has the thought in the back of her mind that you're cheating on her. The one who trips when you go out with your boys all night. The one who always wants to know where you are and who you're with. The one who comes up with a million scenarios of what you were doing last night, who you were screwing last night.

I used to be her, and I have no problem admitting to it. Why? Because I'm growing as a person and you can't learn if you never do anything wrong. I didn't want to be that "always stressed and unhappy but acting like she's stuck in her relationship" kind of girl. Plus, I realized that's not the point of a relationship.. at all.

Now, my mindset has changed. I don't get mad. I don't ask a million questions. I don't breathe down his neck 24/7. Because now I know that if he really does love me like he says he does, I have nothing to worry about. And I'm not constantly trying to figure if he's cheating because if he is doing anything, it shows me that he doesn't deserve me; I'm quite sure there are others out there who are mature enough to have eyes for me and only me. That shows disrespect, dishonesty, and disloyalty and those are three things that I absolute do not want in my life, no matter how much I love you; I'm not gonna sell myself short while I'm steady giving you my all. And I'm not worried about me maybe never finding out something because I do believe what's done in the dark will always come to light. I expect what he expects from me: commitment. And if he decides to disappoint, then he'll face the consequences. Simple as that.

So with that being said, "I ain't trippin'" (in my ghetto voice).


  1. Haha, you are too cute! But I think it's safe to say that every girl, at some point or another, has been 'that girl'.
    I love this post because it's SO true. There's no point in being stressed and unhappy in a relationship. Gotta focus on the good and the good alone. ;)


  2. That's definitely a very healthy outlook on relationships.

  3. awww i admire the way you changed your attitude, I've been the same way but i realized thinking negative about stuffs made things worse for me.
    way to go!

  4. I've never experienced this, but I've seen it and it's just bad.

    With that said, some people really need to read this post; glad you're having a positive outlook instead of not allowing yourself to grow from it :).

  5. It's all apart of growing up. At least you've moved past the insecure stage and comfortable enough in your skin to breathe. Most women well into their 20's 30's and beyond still haven't grown out of this attitude. It's either you trust him completely or let him go. If you have a good man then let him know with your actions. Questions, accusations and snooping will just drive him away. Or worst, into another woman's hands.
